The Full Story
J and Kathleen share a love for optimizing wellness through connecting back with an ancestral way of life. Through their own individual journeys they met as group leaders for the Nutritional Therapy Association. As their friendship grew, their passion for helping to educate and support others through a deeply rejuvenating nature-inspired and community focused retreat center started to come to fruition, and Perpetual Health became a place where all are encouraged to connect back to their ancestral roots.

To teach people how to live optimal human lives through a complete immersion in all things natural. Including natural foods, movement patterns, circadian rhythms and multiple healing modalities.
Our vision is to create a retreat center where individuals interested in connecting back to their bodies and nature can come to explore, learn, and play. We plan to offer multiple housing options where visitors can choose to stay based on their preferences and comfort with nature and community interaction. We encourage visitors to choose from various educational seminars, guided or private outdoor adventures, indoor crafts, locally sourced meals and healing amities that fit their ideal needs for their time at the retreat center.